Wednesday 15 January 2014

Your first pair of Running Shoes

Unless you fancy making a salesman’s day don’t bother spending out on new running clothes. Compression tops, leggings, lightweight jackets and all that jazz will come later. At this point an old pair of tracksuit bottoms and a jumper will do just as well as long as you feel warm and comfortable during your jog.

However, there is an A1 piece of kit you need in your life and that’s a decent pair of running shoes. Why? Because when you run, effectively you’re hammering your feet against the ground and we want all of that impact force to be absorbed by the shoe and not your legs, knees, joints and feet. Also we want as much grip as possible not just to give maximum speed and traction but also when the weather takes a turn for the worse the last thing you need is a nasty slip – suffice to say an old pair of converse won’t cut it.

Everyone’s feet and how everybody runs is different and there are hundreds of shoe options to choose from. So how do you go about finding the right pair for you? Check in to our next 2 posts to find out.

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