Wednesday 1 January 2014


If you’ve found this blog then odds are you’re looking to get fit.

Whether that’s getting rid of those last few pesky pounds or a complete lifestyle overhaul you’ve dedicated yourself to nailing that ideal  body target and to look at yourself in the mirror with a thumbs up (or maybe even a little growl) of approval.

There’s tons of advice out there on how to go about this, shortcuts and explanations abound, but if there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the past few months there’s no single ‘sure-fire’ way to success. Everyone’s different: that includes their fitness levels, their aims, the kind of workouts they’ll enjoy and the one’s they’ll hate. There will be trial and error, exhaustive experimentations, dedicated time, serious sweat and extensive effort employed, but guess what? You’re not alone. There’re millions all in the same boat as you and this blog is from one of them.

Me? I’m just your regular bloke – vices include boozy weekends with mates and movie nights in with Pizza Hut on speed dial – so if I can do it, anyone can. As we forge through the quagmires of uncertainty to find the methods that work for us I hope this blog can be used to inspire you to work towards getting fighting fight – after all anything worth getting is worth fighting for. But it’s not just about getting fit, it’s about feeling good about yourself on the inside and it’s fantastic to have you along on the journey. It’s time to get fit…or die trying!

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