Thursday 9 January 2014


There are many ways to go about cardio. Swimming, cycling, rowing, spinning, dance classes, anything that gets the blood pumping, your heart rate up, the body moving and some sweat on the brow. However I’m making a case for running. For me it just doesn’t get more basic than that. It’s probably the most accessible cardio exercise out there; everyone can do it (that means you!), it’s free, you can do it anytime, go at your own pace, decide on your own targets and is probably better than cycling if you don’t feel confident using a bike on busy roads.

That said I’d stay away from treadmills. Sure a treadmill may calculate your distance, average calories burnt blah blah blah but I find them incredibly dull. Personally I’d only use a treadmill at a gym for a quick warmup and I certainly wouldn’t buy one – apart from being expensive, ones bought for the home tend to be used a couple of times and then they just take up an exorbitant amount of space as a clothes rail. Trust me when I say it’s FAR more fun to take your running outside and get out there. It’s a great way to explore spaces and paths you might not have seen before within your local area, gets fresh air into those lungs and in time you can work out different routes that you’ll enjoy. Aim to discover what’s round that corner - Curiosity is encouraged!
You might have come across articles that debate the benefits of exercise that involve repetitive movements, but don’t worry about that at this stage. Down the line as you get fitter and more proficient mixing up the kinds of cardio you do will take your fitness to the next level but right now we just want to get out there and into the swing of things. Even if it’s up and back down the road - get running!

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