Monday 20 January 2014

Blue Monday

Beat the Monday Blues

Today is Blue Monday, reportedly the most depressing day of the year. Many of us will be hit by the January ‘blues’; a combination of crap weather, lack of funds, failing our new year’s resolutions and low motivation. Mathematically speaking it looks like this, which in itself looks depressing enough:
But before we cry “Goodbye cruel world!”, we’ve decided to take heart in the simple things that can make it not so bad.

National Hug Day: Tomorrow marks the halfway point between Christmas and Valentine’s Day, and with it comes the holiday recognised as National Hug Day designed to combat those emotionally low feelings of gloom. Hugs have been proven to be very therapeutic so tomorrow provides a good excuse to get in on some that hugging action, be it with your girlfriend/ boyfriend, underappreciated work mate, or that very attractive woman walking down the street…

You’re not alone: With a brand new year, came the chance to make some changes, a fresh start, begin anew….and I managed to cock up my new year’s resolution really quickly. Cutting back on the fizzy pop seemed like an easy, somewhat achievable resolution that I could stick to…until I realised that I had nothing else to mix my JD with. So if you’ve managed to break yours too, we’ve decided to implement smaller weekly challenges to wean ourselves into an overall lifestyle change, rather than going whole hog or cold turkey. We start tomorrow.

Call in your debts: Yup it’s been a lean lean month. We got paid early December and blew all our money on presents and booze so are having to stretch our pay check until the sweet relief of funds come through. But like the noble squirrel you’ve been storing your nuts for the winter: all those drinks you bought mates throughout last year, now’s the time to recall em to ensure maximum tipsiness and minimum spend.

Ever get that feeling that you’ve become nocturnal? Tis a well-known fact that sunshine= happiness but at this time of year you’re having to travel to and from work in the dark, stuck in the office throughout daylight hours and the closest you get to the sun is shining your desklamp into your face. But look on the ‘bright’ side, the days are getting longer and summer is just around the corner.

Blue Monday? It’s actually a load of bollocks. One of those popular pseudoscientific myths that continues to hold sway despite the fact that it was originally invented as a marketing scheme on a long lost TV channel to sell holidays!

Yes indeed Blue Monday is all in the mind. We bet you’re smiling already :)

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