Monday 13 January 2014

Motivational Music

We know you’ve done it, cos we’ve done it too – embarked on a particularly strenuous workout humming ‘Eye of the Tiger’ under your breath. And with good reason; 

Research teams at Brunel University have dedicated some serious time into the psychological and psychophysical benefits of music during exercise. The good news is that it can increase your endurance by up to 15% so the next time you’re approaching that mammoth incline (for us that small hill at our local park) click to your most motivational track to give you that extra push. A nice bonus is that they’ve decided to put together a handy list of tracks (at the right beats per minute) for each stage of your workout, so we’ll put a link here:

But even if you don’t agree with all their music choices, don’t worry we’re going to be posting some motivational music for you each week. Music preference is a very personal thing but hey we might be able to forward you to something new or a little bit different that strikes the right motivational chord. 

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