Wednesday 29 January 2014

City White Water Rafting

When you live in the city, it’s easy to think that all the concrete jungle can offer you is a surplus of gyms or a roadside run – but there’s so much more on offer! Fancy something a lil bit different for your exercise session? You’ve come to the right place. 

Saturday 25 January 2014

How often should I wash my running shoes?

Somewhere down the line your running shoes are going to get filthy. Be that via a culmination of local jogs in the mud & rain, or maybe thanks to a dedicated ‘Mud run’ or obstacle race (be prepared, you get muddier than you think) or perhaps the dreaded stink that arises from a sweaty exercise shoe. Either way you’ll ask “Can I wash my running shoes?”

Thursday 23 January 2014


Just a quick post today – if you’re the adventurous type be sure to check out the Adventure Travel Show this weekend being held at the Olympia Exhibition Centre, London. Travel Writing and Photography, Adventure Planning Seminars and the chance to talk to the biggest collection of specialist adventure travel companies face-to-face. Perfect if you’re looking for an adventure!

Info Here:

Monday 20 January 2014

Blue Monday

Beat the Monday Blues

Today is Blue Monday, reportedly the most depressing day of the year. Many of us will be hit by the January ‘blues’; a combination of crap weather, lack of funds, failing our new year’s resolutions and low motivation. Mathematically speaking it looks like this, which in itself looks depressing enough:
But before we cry “Goodbye cruel world!”, we’ve decided to take heart in the simple things that can make it not so bad.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Choosing the right pair of Running Shoes (2)

At the shop

So now you have a general idea of your foot’s features and how it rolls on the ground allowing for a more informed choice, it’s time to pick up your shoes.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Choosing the right pair of Running Shoes (1)

At Home
These steps only take a few seconds and you can do them at home. They’re not 100% essential but when you come to buy your shoes this info might be handy – you’ll have a general idea of what you may be looking for, know what the heck the salesman is on about when he throws in “under/over pronation” and can narrow down your options.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Your first pair of Running Shoes

Unless you fancy making a salesman’s day don’t bother spending out on new running clothes. Compression tops, leggings, lightweight jackets and all that jazz will come later. At this point an old pair of tracksuit bottoms and a jumper will do just as well as long as you feel warm and comfortable during your jog.

However, there is an A1 piece of kit you need in your life and that’s a decent pair of running shoes. Why? Because when you run, effectively you’re hammering your feet against the ground and we want all of that impact force to be absorbed by the shoe and not your legs, knees, joints and feet. Also we want as much grip as possible not just to give maximum speed and traction but also when the weather takes a turn for the worse the last thing you need is a nasty slip – suffice to say an old pair of converse won’t cut it.

Everyone’s feet and how everybody runs is different and there are hundreds of shoe options to choose from. So how do you go about finding the right pair for you? Check in to our next 2 posts to find out.

Monday 13 January 2014

Motivational Music

We know you’ve done it, cos we’ve done it too – embarked on a particularly strenuous workout humming ‘Eye of the Tiger’ under your breath. And with good reason; 

Saturday 11 January 2014


Ah Winter – it’s a tricky time of year. Ironically the time we decide to make a new year’s resolution is exactly the same time when the weather is completely crap. Conjured excuses like “It’s too dark out” or “I could slip on a leaf!” pitched at any other time of year would make us sound pathetic but because we’re in winter they sound like life or death. Best to stay in eh? Who wants to risk being eaten by a polar bear on an early morning run anyway? Far better to kick back in the warm, binge watch Breaking Bad and hibernate til spring.

But consider this, if you can tear yourself away from the warm it’ll give you a head start on everyone else – remember the slowest pace still outruns the bloke lazing on the sofa. The cold will mean you burn more calories and if you can face doing it now you’ll be able to do it any other time of year - just wear a hat.

Thursday 9 January 2014


There are many ways to go about cardio. Swimming, cycling, rowing, spinning, dance classes, anything that gets the blood pumping, your heart rate up, the body moving and some sweat on the brow. However I’m making a case for running. For me it just doesn’t get more basic than that. It’s probably the most accessible cardio exercise out there; everyone can do it (that means you!), it’s free, you can do it anytime, go at your own pace, decide on your own targets and is probably better than cycling if you don’t feel confident using a bike on busy roads.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Stretches and warming up – they’re bloody important

Let’s talk warm ups and stretches. Usefully, for every site on the internet that says they’re beneficially important you’ll also find others claiming research that they’re not. Likewise, should you stretch then warm up OR warm up then stretch? Both? Neither? What about afterwards? Professor from X University says one thing while a research team from institute Y say the opposite. So what to do?

Sunday 5 January 2014

Men's Health Survival of the Fittest

I thought it might be worth putting up at this stage a post I did a while back. With an aim to get fitter I (somewhat stupidly) decided to do the London Survival Run.

“I sometimes think that running has given me a glimpse of the greatest freedom a man can ever know, because it results in the simultaneous liberation of both body and mind”

Friday 3 January 2014


First things first, let’s start with goals. Walk into a gym and one of the first things they’ll ask (if they’re a gd’un) is what it is you actually want to get out of it. Do you want to lose weight? Slim down? Tone up? Go for definition? Build muscle? Odds are, if you’re anything like me during my first gym encounter the hesitant answer will be ‘Errrr – all of the above?’.

Seriously though, knowing what you want out of all this and having an image of how you want to look is important. Firstly it’s a great motivator – you can’t start without something to aim for. Secondly it’ll highlight what you need to focus on - if you’re aiming to be a long distance marathon runner you’ll focus on other areas and exercises than say a professional body builder, this is a bit of a sweeping example but you get the drift. Identify what you want and that’ll streamline the next steps – even if at this stage it’s quite general i.e. I want to lose weight. I want to tone up my upper body. I want to get fitter overall. Give yourself that goal!

Wednesday 1 January 2014


If you’ve found this blog then odds are you’re looking to get fit.

Whether that’s getting rid of those last few pesky pounds or a complete lifestyle overhaul you’ve dedicated yourself to nailing that ideal  body target and to look at yourself in the mirror with a thumbs up (or maybe even a little growl) of approval.