Friday 7 February 2014

Obstacle Races

We’re throwing down the gauntlet and challenging you, YES YOU, to sign up to race.

Nothing gives you more motivation than actually having to run a race. I know, because I signed up to one on the fly two years back and it changed my outlook on fitness completely.

You can read the full post here:

You’d be amazed at the people who struggle to make it even to the start line, let alone the finish. Those who say they’re going to sign up, but never get round to it, or those who do but strangely enough find that they’re inexplicably busy on the weekend it’s happening (at Spartan last year 8 of us agreed to do it only 3 turned up!). BUT signing up to a race will push you to focus more on training.

Having that goal of completing a trial 6 months down the line, that’ll test you physically and mentally, will make you work that much harder at the gym and push you that much further on a run.
Go for whatever will challenge you – if that might be a local 5k run do that, if you’ve never done an obstacle run go for one that’s a 10K. For me, I love my cardio but decided to sign up for something a lil bit different : Man vs Mountain. It’s the next level up to what I’ve done before and with all that incline means I’ll need to focus on other workouts to make sure I make it up there (oh, and down the other side, swim through reservoirs and scale down a cliff!)

Prices, location, dates, don’t worry too much about these things because the moment you do you’ll find excuses why you can’t do it. They’re damn fun and a great motivator – sign up to one – NOW!

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