Saturday 1 February 2014

Nintendo-Fit for 2015

With Nintendo’s new business plan comes the promise of some interesting developments that could help with your health and fitness

In the console war, it’s not just about the games anymore. You don’t just have a console, you have one-stop hub for all your entertainment needs and what’s becoming increasingly prevalent is what your console can do for your fitness levels. However that dear reader is another post for another time.

What we’ve really been interested in this week, is Nintendo’s outline for the future. Long/short the shortfall in Wii U sales left many wondering if Nintendo really has anything left to offer. CEO Satoru Iwata took centre stage to tell investors what they were working on and his statements proved…interesting.

“Quality of Life”

Three words that were the hottest buzz words from his speech. Whatever it is Nintendo are working on, the improvement of their customer’s ‘quality of life’ is the underlying stimulus and the first aspect that they’re leading with is a brand new ‘health platform’ for 2015.

Not only that but whatever this is its likely to fall into a business plan that completely leapfrogs its competitors. Other consoles, smart devices and wearable gadgets may be all well and good but Nintendo are apparently making an integrated hardware and software platform that’s altogether new and “non-wearable”?

Why are we intrigued? Because let’s face it ‘gaming + health’ is damn niche and out of all the ‘health & fitness’ game options out there Nintendo are the only ones who've got it even remotely right. True, we could dispute the actual benefits of their Wii fit but there’s no denying that they actually got people off from their sofas and even excited about improving their health!

We’ll be waiting to see what they can deliver next year…

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