Wednesday 5 February 2014

Getting that work/exercise/life balance

Time. It’s probably the number one factor that can inhibit us all from cracking on with our workouts. Between juggling work, personal commitments, odd jobs (and let’s face it the preferable pub session) it can sometimes feel that there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

Guilty of being an A-class procrastinator here are the methods I use to ensure that run or workout gets in.

Timetable your time – devote an hour a day

As obvious as it sounds, physically seeing it in your diary makes it more of a commitment than an activity you can bypass. All too often I’ve thought that all too ambiguous ‘gotta go for a run later on’ only to let my timetable slip and never get round to it. Get it timetabled, stick to it.

Not all at once

If you’re just starting out, it’s easy to get caught up in the initial excitement and plan a jam-packed workout week. Everyday you’ve got a run/workout/gym/class scheduled and that works great for some, however more often than not throwing yourself into the deep end like that can be overwhelming. Aside from the physical toll going from 0-100 can take on your body you’ll likely find that you simply won’t have the time. It’s easier to schedule 2-3 runs a week and then incorporate gym sessions later once you’ve gotten used to it than going all out and throwing in the towel after 1 week.

Workout at home
Not everyone’s cup of tea but for some this is preferable. If you’ve got the space getting some core exercises, a few sit-ups/press ups, maybe a few dumbbell reps in at home could be better than a 20 minute excursion just to get to a gym and do the same exercises (plus the 20 minute journey back.)

Get up earlier
Ah those dreaded words! I’ve yet to come across anyone who enjoys waking up earlier than they have to BUT this can be a real time saver. Waking up an hour earlier and getting that run/gym session in first thing not only means it’s done and dusted for the rest of the day but gets you wide awake and avoiding the 'sleepy' look at the office.

Cycle to work

Bit of a personal choice this one – some people love the idea of cycling, others might feel less confident on the roads. However a one off investment in a bicycle means you can stick it to the train bosses and their ever increasing rail fares, save a bundle of cash in the long run and get healthier in the process. Worth a thought.

Don’t stop

I know the moment I get home and stop that’s me done for the day. Somehow the motivation to haul yourself back out to the gym is far less appealing when you’ve already donned lounge gear and settled back into a chill out routine. Joining a gym that’s en route to work is a great way of ensuring that you stop in on your way home. Likewise having your running gear ready at home means a quick ‘in, change, out’ turnaround which you’re far more likely to stick to.

Find a weekend activity
For some it’s easy to get bored with the same workouts and environments. To alleviate this find something new and altogether random to mix things up at the weekend. With a bit more time available to you go for an activity that’ll work other parts of your body and hold your interest (Indoor Rock climbing for example) Take a look at some of our ‘Something different’ posts to get you inspired.

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