Tuesday 4 March 2014

River Surfing

Today’s news, aside from being a little different, I didn’t even know occurred. Call me a naïve city lad but who knew we had tidal bores or that there are those who surf them! News to you too? Then read on…

What the heck’s a tidal bore you ask? Apparently there are relatively few locations in the world that experience them but they occur when the leading edge of a particularly high incoming tide gets funnelled into a shallow narrowing river. The effect is a wave that moves against the flow of the river. So for water enthusiasts this presents a rare opportunity to do stuff like this:

The Severn Bore is reputedly the best place to go to see the phenomenon and spring tides typically offer the best river surfing. If you fancy a go check out a timetable of the tides here: http://www.thesevernbore.co.uk/timetable/4579755614

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